Keysight N4917BSCB 400G Optical Receiver Test Application User Guide
Installing the N4917BSCB 400G Optical Receiver Test Application
You can use the Keysight License Manager 6 to configure remote license
servers for sharing licenses across a network, or to configure a local
license server (used with certain types of node-locked licenses) on the
computer or instrument where your Keysight software is installed.
Although the Keysight License Manager 6 is installed on your system when
you install the N4917BSCB software, however, you can download it from:
Keysight License Manager 5
This license management application allows you to manage node-locked
and transportable licenses for a variety of software products and
USB portable licenses:
Install, view, delete
Floating licenses:
Install, view, delete, borrow, and configure license server
Node-locked licenses:
Install, view, delete
Transportable licenses:
Install, view, delete, and transport