Caring for Connectors
Keysight N4000/1/2A Operating and Service Manual
Disconnect connectors by first loosening the connector nut that was tightened in
order to make the connection. If necessary, use the torque wrench or an open-end
wrench to start the process, but leave the connection finger tight. At all times
support the devices and the connection to avoid putting lateral (bending) force on
the connectors.
Complete the disconnection by disconnecting the connector nut completely.
If the connection is between sexed connectors, pull the connectors straight apart
and be especially careful not to twist the body of any device as you do so. Twisting
the connection can damage the connector by damaging the center conductors or
the interior component parts to which the connectors themselves are attached. It
can also scrape the plating from the male contact pin or even (in rare instances)
unscrew the male or female contact pin slightly from its interior mounting,
bringing it out of specification (this can also occur if the female contact fingers are
unusually tight).
Never disconnect connectors by twisting one connector or device out of the
other as one might remove a screw or a light bulb. This is extremely harmful and
connector damage can occur whenever the device body rather than the nut
alone is being turned.