Caring for Connectors
Keysight N4000/1/2A Operating and Service Manual
Figure A-4
Cleaning interior surfaces
Moisten the cloth with a small amount of alcohol and carefully insert it into the
connector to clean the interior surfaces. Use an illuminated magnifying glass or
microscope to see clearly the areas you wish to clean.
Drying connectors
When you have cleaned a connector, always be sure that it is completely dry
before reassembling or using it. Blow the connector dry with a gentle stream of
clean compressed air and inspect it again under a magnifying glass to be sure that
no particles or alcohol residues remain.
Metal must never be used (it will scratch the plated surfaces), and in cleaning
precision 3.5 mm connectors the diameter must not exceed 0.070 in. (1.7 mm).
The wooden handle of a cotton swab, for example, is too large for this purpose.
Even though the handle can sometimes be inserted into the connector, even
when wrapped in lint-free cloth, movement of the handle against the center
conductor can exert enough force on the center conductor to damage it