Performing Low Current Measurements
For performing low current measurements accurately, use the triaxial cable. It can reduce the affect of leakage
current, external noise, and such caused by the extended measurement path. For using the triaxial cables, the
Keysight N1297A/N1297B banana to triaxial adapter is required. This adapter can convert the B2900 source/
measure terminals to the triaxial connectors.
1. Press the key to display the Single view.
2. Set the Source mode, Limit value, and measurement mode
as shown in "Applying DC Output".
3. Set the sweep parameters.
a. Press the More assist key to change the assist keys.
b. Press the Show Sweep assist key to display the Sweep
setup parameters.
c. Press the rotary knob to change the pointer status to EDIT (green).
d. Press the LINEAR SINGLE assist key to set the linear single
sweep mode.
The source shape indicator shows the staircase icon, and the status
changes to MOVE (blue).
e. Use the rotary knob, arrow keys, or numeric/alpha keys to set the
Start (sweep start), Stop (sweep stop), and
Step (sweep step) or Points (number of sweep steps) values.
4. Press the key to display the Graph view.
5. Press the Ch1 switch to enable channel 1. This turns the switch green.
Channel 1 starts applying the voltage specified by the Source value.
6. Press the key to start a single sweep measurement.
The measurement results will be displayed on the graph.
7. Press the Auto Scale assist key to fit the trace in
the graph scale.
8. Press the Ch1 switch to disable channel 1.
This turns off the switch light.
Performing Sweep Measurements
This is the measurement example for a 1 kW resistor.
B2900 applies a staircase sweep voltage and measures the current at each step voltage by the following procedure.
G: Graph
Bad connection
Good connection (no space)
Note for attaching the adapter on the B2900 terminals:
Push the adapter in firmly until it locks
in-place (< 1 mm spacing). If there is some space as shown in “Bad connection”, the contact is not enough.