Under “Presets” all users (guest, U1-U4) may adjust and save
settings and presettings for the long term, irrespective of each
other. The settings entered under guest will be replaced by
standard values when the equipment is restarted.
This menu contains 3 submenus:
1. Display & Functions
Determine here your initial exertion values in the HRC pro-
grammes and the energy consumption display.
2. Training values
Enter here values and settings that will be saved as standard
values in default settings under energy, training time and trai-
ning distance, strokes, SPM (Number of strokes control
through up/down arrows), acoustic indication of strokes
(Signal tone) and display of performance (average or maxi-
mum value).
3. Pulse presets
Determine here how your pulse is to be controlled and which
value is to be observed.
Presets -> 1. Display & Functions
• Determine under “HRC Starting load” the initial exertion
from 1-10 for pulse-controlled programmes, if the default
value appears too high or too low to you.
• Determine under “Energy Calculation” whether your
energy consumption (realistically) or the ergometer’s
energy consumption (physically) is to be displayed.
• Determine under “Energy Unit” whether the energy con-
sumption is to be displayed in kJoule or kcal.
Presets -> 2. Training Values
When accessing the menu initially, values are set to “Off”.
After entering energy consumption, training duration and
distances, the values could look like this.
When you enter training values, they will be loaded into the
“training stand-by” mode of the training programmes. These
values may still be changed.
At the start of the work out, these values will be counted
down, at zero blinking characters indicate that the values pre-
set have been reached. The values will not influence the ope-
ration of the ergometer.
Presets -> 3. Pulse Presets
Once the user data of the “active” user has been entered,
some pulse-rate values will be displayed. If not, the display
will show ”Off” instead of the values.
• The Value “Maxpulse” 170. This value has been informed
by the user’s data (220 - age), e.g., Thomas’ (50 years).
Medically founded, it indicates the maximum tolerable pulse
rate that users of a given age may have but should not have
while working out.
• Under “Maxpulse” you may reduce or disable this value.
The % pulse display refers to this value: current pulse to maxi-
mum pulse and the profile heights for pulse programmes.
Entering a value enables you to select target pulse values.
Training and operating instructions