Copyright © 2000 - 2005 KEMP Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1.1. Quick Setup
This allows the user to quickly configure the basic parameters of the LoadMaster, these include the Ethernet IP
addresses and local gateways and name servers.
See the section on “quick setup” in the initial configuration section.
2. Service Management (CLI)
This menu point starts a CLI (command line interface), which lets the user to administer the Virtual Services
that are available on the LoadMaster. See section III for information on the syntax of the commands.
To leave the CLI, the user can type “exit”, or use the ESCAPE or CTRL-D keys.
In this version of the LoadMaster, the syntax of CLI commands has been changed. The original syntax may be
selected using the menu option “Use MML format CLI” under Utilities -> Diagnostics.
3. Local Administration
This menu performs administration tasks for the current LoadMaster balancer. The following options are
3.1. Set Password
Using this option, the user may change the local password for the user “bal”. The password should be changed
for security reasons. Remote access over SSH is not allowed until the password has been changed.
Important: The password is not saved when performing a backup and is not replaced when performing a
If the LoadMaster is running in a HA (high availability) mode cluster. Each LoadMaster can have a separate
password. The password information is not transferred between the members of a cluster.
3.2. Set Date/Time
This option allows the local date, time and time zone to be set.
A list of time zones is given; the current time zone is always at the start of the list. The user may select a
different time zone it required.
The date should be entered in the following format:
02-12-03 (Year-Month-Day)
Followed by the time in the following format:
10:57:15 (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
Note: When first delivered the LoadMaster is set to use UTC.
3.3. Set Keyboard Map
This option allows the keyboard mappings to be changed to support different languages.
A list of different keyboard mappings is supplied; the current mapping is always at the start of the list.
Note: The default keyboard mapping is US/ASCII.
Changes to keyboard mappings do not have any affect during an SSL session. Only after reconnection will the
keyboard mappings be activated.