8. Troubleshooting
Alarm message
A.Capa. Over!
Because the total anode reagent
consumed in electrolysis exceeds
the preset level.
Change the anolyte and
clear the reading and
reset the now life to zero.
C.Capa. Over!
Because the total cathode reagent
consumed in electrolysis exceeds
the preset level.
A.replace Day!
Because the date for changing the
anolyte becomes due today.
Change the reagent and
clear the due date setting.
C.replace Day!
Because the date for changing the
catholyte becomes due today.
A.Replace now!
Because the date for changing the
anolyte is past.
C.Replace now!
Because the date for changing the
catholyte is past.
A.replace in xx days
Because the preset due date to
change anolyte is xx days.
C.replace in xx days
Because the preset due date to
change catholyte is xx days.