Operating Manual PT 18x
peak picker
Reading Lambda1
without peak picker
Shows current temperature reading for L1
prior to peak picker
Reading Lambda2
without peak picker
Shows current temperature reading for L2
prior to peak picker
Signal intensity
Calculated signal intensity
Inner temperature
Current inner temp. of device
Save changes / exit menu
Software CellaView
The software CellaView can be used for
representation, analysis and ar-
chiving of measured values of your pyrometer.
You can download the CellaView software here:
PC Interface
The CellaPort features a USB port to enable data communication to a
PC for remote device configuration and temperature monitoring. Either
use the CellaView software or use another standard terminal program.
The USB port is on the back of the pyrometer, covered by a protective
cap. The pyrometer is supplied with a standard USB cable.
A Windows
operating system released prior to Windows
7 will not au-
tomatically identify the CellaPort as the peripheral device. The required
driver is on the download area CellaView or use the link
to download the PL 2303 driver.
When using the CellaView software no additional parameter must be set.
For more information on CellaView, please refer to the software instruc-
tion manual.
If you are using a terminal program such as HyperTerminal, set parame-
ters for the serial interface as follows:
57600 Baud / 8 Data bits / odd parity / 1 stop bit /
no handshake