Operating Manual PT 18x
Based on our experience, we recommend the following emissivity ratio
Grey cast iron:
101 (default)
Spheroidal graphite iron:
103 -104
During normal operating mode, the emissivity ratio can be set at the py-
rometer using the ▲▼ buttons. When simultaneously pressing the
MODE key, the display shows the current measuring temperature while
the emissivity ratio coefficient continues to be adjusted in the back-
ground. This is an easy way to determine the emissivity ratio when the
object temperature is known. The modified values are directly adopted.
The chart below shows an approximation of the impact of the emissivity
ratio setting on the change
in temperature reading. A decrease in emis-
sivity ratio produces a higher temperature reading.
Once you have configured the emissivity parameter, the
pyrometer will maintain this specific setting. The pyrome-
ter will always operate with this value unless you change
the setting.
To determine the emissivity ratio of the material surface, you
must conduct a comparison measurement using a thermocou-
ple probe. To obtain comparable temperature data, you should
carry out the probe measurement and the pyrometer measure-
ment at the same time and at the same point (as far as possi-