Model 2290-10 10 kV Power Supply User's Manual
Section 4: Remote operation
2290-10-900-01 Rev. A/December 2013
Set the GPIB address
The default GPIB address is 14. Before attempting to communicate with the Model 2290-10 over the
IEEE-488 interface, make sure the instrument's primary address is set correctly. To enter the GPIB
address, press the
button and then increment or decrement the address as required using the
up and down arrow buttons and then press
. The allowable primary address range is from 0 to
30. Be sure to avoid address conflicts with other instruments on the bus, including the controller.
Bus connections
With the power off, connect the Model 2290-10 GPIB connector to the computer IEEE-488 interface.
Shielded GPIB cables such as the Keithley Model 7007 are recommended.
Command syntax
Commands sent to the Model 2290-10 use ASCII characters. Commands may be in either upper or
lower case and may contain any number of embedded space characters.
A command to the Model 2290-10 must be followed by a command terminator. The terminator is a
linefeed (<LF>) or EOI. No command processing occurs until a command terminator is received.
Commands beginning with an asterisk (*) are IEEE-488.2 defined common commands.
Multiple commands
Multiple commands may be sent on one command line by separating them with semicolons (;). When
several commands are included on the same line, the entire line is parsed and executed before any
other device action proceeds. This method allows command synchronization using the
synchronization command (*WAI).
Command buffer
The Model 2290-10 stores incoming bytes in a 128-character input buffer. Characters accumulate in
the input buffer until a command terminator (either <CR> or <LF>) is received, at which point the
message is parsed and executed. Query responses are buffered in a 128-character output queue. If
the buffer overflows, then all of the data in the both the input buffer and output queue are discarded,
and an error is reported in the standard event status byte.
Command queries
The present value of a particular parameter may be determined by querying the Model 2290-10 for its
value. A query is formed by appending a question mark (?) to the command and omitting the desired
parameter from the command. If multiple queries are sent on one command line (separated by
semicolons), responses will be returned in a single line with the individual responses separated by
semicolons. The default response terminator is a linefeed (<LF>) plus EOI. All commands return
integer results except as noted in individual command descriptions.