In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 4-1
Command syntax ..................................................................... 4-3
Remote commands .................................................................. 4-4
This section contains detailed information on remotely programming the Model 2290-10 over the
IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface and the RS-232 interface. Any computer that supports the IEEE-488 bus
may be used to program the instrument. The Model 2290-10 supports the IEEE-488.1 (1978)
interface standard, as well as the required common commands of the IEEE-488.2 (1987) standard.
The cabling distance between the controller and instrument hub with GPIB is limited to 9 meters (30
feet). In a system connected with GPIB, you can have 15 instruments attached to each controller.
RS-232 cable
The settings for the RS-232 interface are 9600 baud and with no parity. The complete instrument
configuration is retained in non-volatile memory.
Connect GPIB cables to your instrument
To connect an instrument to the GPIB, use a cable equipped with standard GPIB connectors, as
shown below.
Figure 7: GPIB Connector
Section 4
Remote operation