Main bactericidal factor: Ultraviolet
Sterilization factor intensity: Radiation intensity at 1m away from the ultraviolet lamp>200µW/cm
Sterilization principle: Ultraviolet rays destroy the molecular structure of DNA or RNA in the cells
of microbes and cause the cells to die, thereby achieving the effect of sterilization and disinfection.
Types of microorganisms to be killed: Staphylococcus albus, pores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger,
natural bacteria in the air.
Executive standard: Q/QLZN 001-2020
3. Operating Procedures
Please follow the steps below to operate the robot.
3.1 Installation
3.1.1 Robot Mapping
Before putting robot into use, the robot needs to scan and record the path and environment first,
then it can store and identify the path in the form of a map in its system. This is called mapping.
(This will be completed by professional technical personnel)
When the environment was changed (such as redecorating and changing the structure of the
building, moving the robot to another new environment, or rearranging positions of interior stuff),
the map should be rebuilt.
3.2 Power On
3.2.1 Power Button
The power button is located on the lower surface of the gap in the laser layer (on the side of
liquid injection port), as shown in Fig. 3. Pressing the power button by hands can turn on or off the