1 Basic Safety Instructions
The following safety instructions have been created by the manufacturer for the area
of drive technology. They can be supplemented by local, country-specific or applica
tion-specific safety instructions. This list is not exhaustive. Non-observance will lead to
the loss of any liability claims.
Hazards and risks due to ignorance.
Read the instructions for use !
Observe the safety and warning instructions !
If anything is unclear, please contact KEB !
1.1 Target group
This manual is determined exclusively for technical staff. Technical staff for the purpose
of this manual must have the following qualifications:
• Knowledge and understanding of the safety instructions.
• Skills for installation and assembly, start-up, operation and maintenance of the prod-
Understanding of the function in the used machine.
• Detection of hazards and risks of the drive technology.
• Knowledge about work safety and accident prevention (e.g.
1.2 Transport, storage and proper use
The transport is carried out by qualified persons in accordance with the environmental
conditions specified in this manual.
Upon delivery the devices are to be checked for visible signs of transport damages.
Immediately report transport damages to the transport company and the manufacturer.
Depending on its design and weight appropriate lifting devices must be used for han-
Damage due to improper storage
In case of improper storage, no liability is assumed for resulting damag-
Don't storage devices or parts
• in the environment of aggressive and/or conductive liquids or gases.
• with direct sunlight.
outside the specified ambient conditions.
• in environments that can lead to corrosion and contamination.