List of standards
VDE 0580
Electromagnetic Devices and Components
DGUV Regulation 3 Electrical systems and equipment
Wire-end ferrules; Tubular end-sleeves without plastic sleeve
Wire-end ferrules; Tubular end-sleeves with plastic sleeve
DIN IEC 60364-5-54 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and installation of
electrical equipment - Earthing systems, protective conductors and protective
bonding conductors (IEC 64/1610/CD)
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines Part 1: General require-
ments (VDE 0113-1, IEC 44/709/CDV)
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (VDE 0470, IEC 60529)
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems Part 1: Princi-
ples, requirements and tests (IEC 60664-1)
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3-1: Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities - Section 1: Storage (IEC 104/648/CD)
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities; Section 2: Transport (IEC 104/670/CD)
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities; Section 3: Stationary use at
weatherprotected locations (IEC 60721-3-3)
Cylindrical shaft ends - Part 3: For rotating electrical machinery
Shaft extension run out and of mounting flanges for rotating electrical machinery,
frame size larger than 315 - Tolerances, test
General purpose three-phase induction motors having standard dimensions
and outputs - Frame numbers 56 to 315 and flange numbers 65 to 740; German
version EN 50347
Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action; Parallel Keys, Keyways, Deep Pattern
Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action, Parallel Keys, Keyways, Shallow Pattern
Center holes 60° with thread for shaft ends for rotating electrical machines