Rev. 1.00
KBR multicomp F144-3 6DO/6RO
The discharge times are automatically predefi ned,
in the capacitor contactor
, for the following programmed stage powers. However, these must be
checked and corrected if they diff er from the capacitor specifi cations.
Capacitor power
Discharge resistance
Discharge time
0.1 kvar – 9.9 kvar
300 kOhm
60 seconds
10 kvar – 19.9 kvar
300 kOhm
120 seconds
20 kvar and above
300 kOhm
180 seconds
In the thyristor stages
, irrespective of the stage power, the discharge time is al-
ways entered as 20 milliseconds, both when reprogramming and when chang-
ing the stage power. A discharge time changed later on is retained however, as
long as the stage power is not changed.
Functional principle