Instructions for use SURGmatic S201 XL Pro - 1.013.7541 SURGmatic S201 L Pro - 1.013.7540
7 Processing steps in accordance with EN ISO 17664 | 7.6 Packaging
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Service the product in the QUATTROcare.
See also:
Instructions for use KaVo QUATTROcare 2104 / 2104A / 2124A
Servicing the chucking system
KaVo recommends servicing the chucking system once weekly.
Remove the tool from the medical device.
Plug the spray nipple of the chuck servicing set onto the QUATTROcare plus
Position the tip of the spray nipple in the opening, and apply the spray.
Press the spray key once for 1-2 seconds.
7.6 Packaging
The sterile goods package must be large enough for the product so that the
packaging is not stretched.
The quality and use of the sterilization packaging must comply with applica-
ble standards and be suitable for the sterilization procedure!
Seal each medical device individually in a sterilization item package.
7.7 Sterilization
Sterilization in a steam sterilizer (autoclave) in
accordance with ISO 17665-1
Improper service and care.
Risk of injury.
Perform regular proper care and servicing.
Contact corrosion due to moisture.
Damage to the product.
Remove the product from the steam sterilization immediately after the
sterilization cycle.
The KaVo medical device has a maximum temperature resistance of up to
(280.4 °F).
Select a suitable procedure (depending on the available autoclave) from the fol-
lowing sterilization processes:
▪ Sterilizer with triple pre-vacuum:
- at least 3 minutes at 135°C (275 °F)