Measuring SAT, TV, CATV and Optical Signals
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analogue TV signals. Since the signal meter automatically detects the modulation type,
with an analogue signal the interface automatically switches to the correct view. The ter-
restrial measuring function consists of two screens.
The first screen:
Channel setting
The frequency, modulation type, channel bandwidth and
channel number are displayed. The modulation type of the
meter is automatically detected: Analogue TV.
(DC at the RF input)
Video carrier level
The second screen
Touch the level measurement bar or press
on the keyboard to switch to the second
measurement screen.
The second screen is displayed:
The RF video carrier level
, the carrier-to-noise ratio
and the audio carrier/image ratio
are shown. In case of stereo audio, the A/V ratio for the second audio carrier is also dis-
played. Video and audio decoding is not available on this second screen, as the signal meter
is intended to measure the various signal components.