884170 / 2021.1.1
Most failed equipment can be repaired at substantially lower costs than replacement with new� If your aerator requires repair and is no
longer covered under warranty, please contact Kasco Marine or your local distributor for available options� Please ship according to the
instructions on the previous provided�
• Kasco Marine does estimates on repairs at the request of the customer� The request for estimate should be included in the letter
that accompanies the returned unit and must include a daytime phone number and/or e-mail address� We will contact the customer
with a total after the unit has been evaluated but before the work is performed�
• All estimates that are rejected for repair will be destroyed unless otherwise directed by the customer� Rejected equipment can be
returned at the customer’s expense for shipping and handling charges.
Billing: All non-warranty repairs will be returned and billed to the customer unless otherwise directed� Kasco Marine accepts Visa and
MasterCard credit card payments. Kasco Marine will call for credit card information upon completion of the estimate at the customer’s
section of kascomarine�com for more information about warranty and repairs� Contact Kasco Marine at
715-262-4488 or [email protected] for additional information and your closest Authorized Repair Center.
Kasco Marine
800 Deere Road
Prescott, WI 54021
Contact Us
Phone: 715-262-4488
Fax: 715-262-4487
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