Anti-virus protection
6.2. Enabling and disabling the anti-
virus server protection.
Selecting anti-virus protection
If the anti-virus server protection is enabled, then the anti-virus scan of the e-mail
traffic will be started or stopped when the Microsoft Exchange Server is started or
stopped. If the anti-virus protection settings provide for the background scanning
of storage areas, then it will be started either when the anti-virus database is
updated or according to the schedule (details see section 6.6, page 62).
Scan of objects is performed according to the determined anti-virus protection
If the anti-virus server protection is disabled, then neither the anti-virus traffic
scan nor the background storage scan will be performed.
In order to enable or disable the anti-virus protection or change anti-
virus protection level:
1. Select the node corresponding to the server you need in the
console tree and follow the
Anti-virus protection
link in the results
2. Go to the
tab in the
Anti-virus protection
(see Figure 9)
window that will open.
Select the one of the following options in the
Anti-virus protection
group of fields:
- in order to disable mail anti-virus protection
Standard anti-virus protection, Extended anti-virus
Redundant anti-virus protection
- in order to
enable mail anti-virus protection using the corresponding level
(see section 6.1, page 49).
It is to be noted that disabling the anti-virus server protection consid-
erably increases the risk of malware penetration via the e-mail system.
We do not recommend disabling the anti-virus protection for long peri-
ods of time.