8.1. Licensing policy
When purchasing Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare you conclude a
license agreement with Kaspersky Lab, based on which you are granted the right
to use this software on one or more computers for one year after installing it.
During the license period you are provided with the following opportunities:
To use the anti-virus functionality of the application.
To update the anti-virus database.
To update the versions of the application.
To seek consultations on questions concerning the installation, setting up
and operation of the application. The consultations can be provided on
the telephone or by e-mail.
To send any infected and suspicious objects detected to Kaspersky Lab
for analysis.
The application detects the availability of the license agreement and ascertains
its validity period using the license key – an integral part of any product produced
by Kaspersky Lab. The application may have only one valid license key. It
contains the limitations set for the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. These
limitations can be checked by special procedures built into the application. You
can install the application and the license key on as many Novell-servers in the
network as you wish, but copies above the number allowed by the license key
will be inoperative.
In the event of violation of the limitations set by the license agreement,
Kaspersky Lab may cancel the agreement unilaterally. In such a case, the
license key number is included in the cancelled keys list, the so-called "black
list". Having detected its key in the "black list", the application terminates the
license key and notifies the user that the license agreement has been cancelled
by Kaspersky Lab.