automatically configure your security system depending on your responses to
various events. This makes your personal guard adjustable to your specific
preferences and your particular needs.
Personal Security Suite
Personal Security Suite is a software suite designed for organizing
comprehensive protection of personal computers running Microsoft Windows.
The suite prevents malicious and potentially dangerous programs from
penetrating through any possible data sources and protects you from
unauthorized attempts to access your computer’s data, as well as blocking spam.
Kaspersky Personal Security Suite has the following features:
anti-virus protection of data saved on your computer
protection against spam for users of Microsoft Office Outlook and
Microsoft Outlook Express
protection of your computer from unauthorized access, and also from
network hacker attacks from your LAN or the Internet.
Kaspersky Lab News Agent
The News Agent is intended for timely delivery of news published by
Kaspersky Lab, for notifications about the current status of virus activity
and fresh news. The program reads the list of available news channels
and their content from news server of Kaspersky Lab with specified
The product performs the following functions:
It visualizes in the system tray the current status of virus activity.
The product allows the users to subscribe and unsubscribe from news
It retrieves news from each subscribed channel with the specified
frequency and notifies about fresh news.
It allows reviewing news on the subscribed channels.
It allows reviewing the list of channels and their status.
It allows opening pages with news details in your browser.
News Agent is a stand-alone Microsoft Windows application, which can be used
independently or may be bundled with various integrated solutions offered by
Kaspersky Lab Ltd.
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