Timer 0 Window
Timer 0 is an 8-bit timer/counter.
Asynchronous Operation
This timer can be asynchronously clocked from an external oscillator connected to TOSC1 and
TOSC2 pins (pins 19 and 18). It is optimized for a 32.768 KHz crystal for use as a Real Time
Clock, and this crystal is fitted on the STK300 board.
Timer 0 can also operate in PWM Mode or Output Compare Mode or neither.
PWM Enable becomes enabled when Output Compare is Clear and vice-versa.
PWM Enable
This enables Pulse Width Modulation mode for this Timer. The resolution is set to 8-bit. So the
timer counts from $00 to $FF and down to $00. The match value is set in the
Compare Value
Field. When the Timer value matches the value set in the Compare Value field (which will occur
twice every cycle - on upcount and downcount), the output action that results on PWM0 (pin 14))
can be set by the
Output Action
radio buttons :
Disconnected - No effect on output pin