Sleep and Power Down Window
The oscillator frequency can be divided by a factor between 1 and 129 to reduce power
consumption when processing power requirements are low. Set the divide factor required in the
spin box. Checking the XTAL Divide box will enable XTAL Divide immediately, but in most
applications this will not be required, so leave the box unchecked and set the XTALEN bit in the
XDIV register when needed (XDIV.7).
Sleep Mode
There are three sleep modes, which can be preset in this option. When sleep mode is required,
set the Sleep Enable bit (SE) just before executing the Sleep instruction (to avoid unwanted sleep
mode). The SE bit is bit 7 of the MCUCR register (MCUCR.7).
Reset Source Checking
It is possible to check which reset source caused a MCU reset but this must be setup first.
Checking this box inserts the correct code for doing this.