5512-622 GB/01.2011/Rev. E1
The two pulse inputs are identically constructed and can be individually set up to receive pulses from water meters
of max. 1 Hz, or pulses from electricity meters of max. 3 Hz.
Correct pulse value is configured from the factory on the basis of order information, or by means of METERTOOL.
See paragraph 4.2.3 concerning configuration of VA (FF-codes) and VB (GG-codes).
61 registers the accumulated consumption of the meters, which are connected to VA and VB, and
saves the counter values every month and every year on target date. In order to facilitate the identification during
data reading it is also possible to save the meter numbers of the two meters connected to VA and VB.
Programming is carried out with METERTOOL.
The registration, which can both be read from the display (selecting a suitable DDD-code) and via data
communication, includes the following as well as date indication of yearly and monthly data:
Type of registration
Counter value
Yearly data
Monthly data
(accumulated register)
Meter number VA
Yearly data, up to latest 15 years
Monthly data, up to latest 36 months
(accumulated register)
Meter number VB
Yearly data, up to latest 15 years
Monthly data, up to latest 36 months
Counter values VA and VB can be preset to the values of the connected meters at the time of commissioning by
means of METERTOOL.
Display example, VA
In the example below VA is configured as FF=24, which matches 10 litres/pulse and a max. flow of 10 m
/h. The
meter connected to VA has meter no. 75420145 which has been saved in the internal memory of MULTICAL
61 by
means of METERTOOL.
Accumulated register of VA (Input A)
Yearly data, date of LOG1 (latest target date)
Meter no. of VA (max. 8 digits)
Yearly data, value of LOG1 (latest yearly reading)
This is the accumulated volume registered on 1
January 2006