Standalone operation with firmware option E300 V4
k4evo707en-2012-07 INI reset with programmer 1460
LED Compact
LED registration
unit/illumination unit
1. Connect the programmer to the registration unit/RFID antenna
via the air interface, or the programming cable to the control unit
State LED goes out Lamp goes out,
1x short beep,
LED briefly flashes green
2. Present programming Master to registration unit/RFID antenna
(actuator is now in programmer mode until the actuator times out
or the programmer breaks the connection)
1x short beep
3. Menu Actuator => INI reset => Yes
2x short beeps
4. Compact Reader is in operation again
1x short beep, LED briefly
flashes green twice (since
programmer is still
5. Use programmer to set the required configuration data, see
- Access point ready for bookings again
6. Remove programmer and wait for timeout to elapse
State LED lights up
again or flashes
Green or not lit INI reset with programming Master (firmware option E300 V4)
LED Compact
LED registration
unit/illumination unit
1. Hold programming Master (admin Master) at registration
unit/RFID antenna
Green LED starts to light
2. The reset is performed after 10 s (all authorizations are deleted,
admin Master is retained)
2x short beeps,
green LED remains lit
3. The INI reset is performed after 15 s, after which you should
remove the programming Master from the registration unit/RFID
State LED goes out 2x short beeps,
green LED goes out
4. Compact Reader is in operation again
State LED lights up
again or flashes
Green or not lit
5. Use programmer to set the required configuration data,
see Chapter 7.9.4/Page 75
- Access point ready for bookings again