Online operation with firmware option Access Manager
Online operation with firmware option Access Manager
Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions provided in this chapter apply to
online operation with firmware option Access Manager (MIFARE/LEGIC)
- Kaba exos 9300
This chapter describes the
firmware-specific topics
such as functionality, MIFARE/LEGIC
module, configuration, LED display, putting into operation, factory reset and firmware update for
the Compact Reader.
The structure, hardware compatibility, system solutions and connections for the Compact Reader
are described in the device description in Chapter 2/Page 11.
You will find an overview of how this technical manual is structured in Chapter 1/Page 7.
4.1 Topology
The Compact Reader communicates with the parent control unit via the RS-485 interface. Under
this arrangement, the control unit is responsible for badge authorization checking and triggering
access points.
If this communication is interrupted, the Compact Reader automatically takes over the tasks of the
control unit on a reduced basis; i.e., a simplified authorization check procedure and door functions
are retained depending on the offline parameter settings.