Online operation with firmware option Subterminal
Online operation with firmware option Subterminal
Unless otherwise specified, the descriptions provided in this chapter apply to
online operation with firmware option Subterminal (MIFARE/LEGIC)
This chapter describes the
firmware-specific topics
such as functionality, MIFARE/LEGIC
module, configuration, LED display, putting into operation, factory reset and firmware update for the
Compact Reader.
The structure, hardware compatibility, system solutions and connections for the Compact Reader
are described in the device description in Chapter 2/Page 11.
You will find an overview of how this technical manual is structured in Chapter 1/Page 7.
6.1 Topology
The Compact Reader works as a Subterminal on a B-web series terminal. Data is exchanged
between the Compact Reader and the terminal in half-duplex operation via the RS-485 interface
(sub-party line). The BPA/9 Subset transmission protocol is used for communication.
The Compact Reader itself does not have any decision authority and should be viewed as a remote
operating unit. The parent B-web terminal checks the access data supplied by the Subterminals
and then decides whether to open the doors, for example. The operator is guided by means of
acoustic and visual signaling triggered by corresponding B-web terminal commands.
The relay within the Compact Reader can be used to trigger the door opener. The inputs of the
Compact Reader are not used.
The partner application and B-web terminal communicate with one another via the B-COMM Java
communication software.
Functionalities with firmware option Subterminal
The Compact Reader does not have any decision authority of its own and should be viewed as a
remote operating unit. The parent B-web terminal performs the authorization check using the
registration data received by the Compact Reader. The visual and acoustic signal transmitter, and
the relay in the Compact Reader, are triggered via corresponding control sequences output by the
parent B-web terminal.
The Compact Reader works as a Subterminal on a parent B-web terminal in online operation; if the
connection is interrupted, no bookings can be made offline
Booking mode can be activated for either
, or
Triggering of relay by parent B-web terminal, e.g., for opening doors
Triggering of visual and acoustic signal transmitters by parent B-web terminal
6.2.1 System
B-web 93 00 series terminal with B-Client HR10 device software, version 754-00-X-K02
B-COMM Java communication software, version 3.0.0 or higher