Switch-on brightness
1...100 %
Basic setting: 100 %
During brief operation, the
output switches on at the set
switch-on brightness.
Note: If the value is above the
set maximum brightness or
below the minimum
brightness, then the system
will switch to the appropriate
limit value.
Switch-on delay
0 s … 24 h
Basic setting: 0 s
The load switches on after a
delay. Repeated switch-on
commands restart the delay
time. If the load has not yet
been switched on due to the
delay when a switch-off
command comes, then the
load will remain off.
Note: The set time apply to
operation using radio
transmitters. The device is
switched immediately when
button is pressed.
Switch-off delay
0 s … 24 h
Basic setting: 0 s
The load switches off after a
delay. Repeated switch-off
commands restart the delay
time. If the load has not yet
been switched off due to the
delay when a switch-on
command comes, then the
load will remain on.
Note: The set time apply to
operation using radio
transmitters. The device is
switched immediately when
button is pressed.
Dim up ramp
0 s … 24 h
Basic setting: 0 s
Time between switch-on and
reaching switch-on brightness.
The light is switched on at
minimum brightness and then
dimmed to the switch-on
Only applies to switch-on with
transmitters (short operation).
If scenes are recalled or
switching uses logic modules,
the switch-on brightness is
approached using so-called
soft dimming (not
Dim down ramp
0 s … 24 h
Basic setting: 0 s
Time until reaching minimum
brightness. The light is
dimmed to minimum
brightness and then switched
Only applies to switch-off with
transmitters (short operation).
If scenes are recalled or
switching uses logic modules,
the system switches off
Radio push-button controller 1-10 V