About this Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
1. About this Instruction Manual.......... 4
1.1 Symbols used .............................. 5
1.2 Safety information and dangers
due to non-compliance ................ 5
1.3 Units used.................................... 5
2. Intended Use ...................................... 6
2.1 Water Pressure............................ 6
2.2 Notes on special dangers ............ 6
3. Product Information .......................... 7
3.1 Intended purpose......................... 7
3.2 Test mark..................................... 7
3.3 Materials used ............................. 7
4. Installation ......................................... 8
4.1 General ........................................ 8
4.2 Discharging backwash water ..... 10
5. Operation ......................................... 12
5.1 Commissioning .......................... 12
5.2 Pressure Setting ........................ 12
5.3 Function Description.................. 13
5.4 Backwashing ............................. 14
5.5 Modifications / changes /
spare parts................................. 15
5.6 Stoppages ................................. 16
6. Faults ................................................ 17
7. Maintenance..................................... 17
7.1 Cleaning .................................... 17
7.2 Checking the note electronics
(only JPM ¾" – 1¼").................. 18
7.3 Filter sieve ................................. 18
8. Warranty and Services.................... 18
9. Data Sheet ........................................ 19
9.1 Type........................................... 19
9.2 Models ....................................... 19
9.3 Technical Data........................... 19
9.4 Installing dimensions
JPM ¾" - 1¼"............................. 20
9.5 Installing dimensions
JPM 1½" - 2".............................. 21
9.6 Extent of Supply ........................ 21
10. Spare Parts ...................................... 22
10.1 JPM ¾" – 1¼"............................ 22
10.2 JPM 1½" – 2" ............................. 25
11. Customer Service ............................ 28
About this Instruction
(see chapter “Safety information and dangers
due to non-compliance”)
The instruction manual must be perma-
nently available at the place in which the
filter is installed and used.
This instruction manual is intended to make
it easier to familiarize yourself with this filter.
The instruction manual contains important
information in order to safely, properly and
economically operate this filter.
This instruction manual contains funda-
mental information, which must be observed
during installation, operation and mainte-
nance. Observance of this information helps
to avoid dangers, reduce repair costs and
increase the reliability and service life of the
The instruction manual must be read and
used by each person entrusted with carrying
out work on the filter, for example and not
limiting to:
(servicing, inspection, repair)
Installation and maintenance may only be
carried out by qualified personnel, who are
capable of fulfilling the instructions given in
the installation.
Therefore, this instruction manual must
always be read by the fitter / Installer and
responsible skilled personnel/owner or
operator before installation, putting into
service and maintenance.
All the general safety notes given in this
instruction manual are to be observed and
carried out safely. Failure to do so can result
in personal injury and / or property damage.
The manufacturer waves all liabilities.