Coorporate Head Office
JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
P.O. Box 380
D-71351 Winnenden
e-mail: [email protected]
JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Hohreuschstraße 39-41
D-71364 Winnenden
Trademarks used in this document are protected
and registered trademarks of the respective
© JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
D-71364 Winnenden
All rights reserved.
Reprints – even of extracts – are only permitted
with special written approval.
Dear Customer,
we would like to thank you for choosing
Judo Water Treatment.
The product you have purchased is the
JUDO PROMI domestic water station,
which is to be utilized in domestic drin-
king water applications/ installations for:
• filtration,
• pressure reduction,
• and backflow prevention.
The JUDO PROMI is suitable for use in
COLD water applications only, up to a
water temperature of maximum 30 °C
(86 °F) and up to a water pressure of
maximum 16 psi. It filters out all coarse
and fine-grained physical impurities/
particles from the water supply, which
are larger than or equal in size to the filter
cartridge/ sieve pore size. An inlet water
pressure of maximum 16 psi can be
reduced to an outlet water pressure of
2 psi, as a minimum, with all psi pressure
ranges in between. The Factory-Setting
is 4 psi As backflow prevention the JUDO
PROMI is equipped with a spring-loaded
The JUDO PROMI has been developed
using leading edge and state-of-the-art
technologies; each unit has been
thoroughly inspected prior to packaging
and delivery. If you encounter any instal-
lation or performance problems, please
do not hesitate to contact our customer
service department. Our local phone
number and website is listed on the back