JUDO i-soft
Functional description of the
water softener
5.2.1 Mode of operation
The filter container is filled with ion
exchanger resin in the form of small syn-
thetic resin pellets. The calcium ions that are
responsible for water hardness, are ex-
changed for sodium ions here. This makes
water soft. The ion exchanger resin, how-
ever, can only take up a certain quantity of
these hardening components. When the
ability of the resin to take on calcium ions is
exhausted depends on the hardness levels
and general quality of the incoming water
supply. The depletion time is logged by the
water counter, with regeneration being ini-
tiated automatically. In this process, diluted
brine (sodium chloride) is used to remove
the hardening components from the resin.
5.2.2 System concept
The water softener is designed as a parallel
system with regeneration taking place in two
phases. During regeneration, both filter con-
tainers alternate in supplying the system
with soft water. This way, the consumer is
ensured a constant supply of softened water
even during the regeneration phase.
5.2.3 Regeneration
With a very short regeneration time of a
10 minute interval for each of the two filter
containers, extensive continuous water
removal is still possible.
A water meter is installed in the soft water
line of the system and precisely records the
generated softened water volume and thus
controls the triggering of regeneration. In
accordance with DIN EN 14743 and DIN
19636-100, regeneration is executed with
low amounts of salt. The system is regularly
disinfected to prevent contamination. The
tiny amount of chlorine required for this step
is produced from the drawn-in brine in an
electrolytic process during regeneration.
Regulations in other countries my vary.
Please check your local regulations for
5.2.4 Controlling the regeneration
Regeneration is automatically carried out
via wear-free ceramic disc valves. The
regeneration procedure is precisely defined
by the disc geometry, which ensures that the
procedure does not have to be re-started
after power failure.
5.2.5 Raw water monitoring
A sensor (i-guard) in the supply side of the
water softener continuously monitors the
raw water intake. This way, the system
knows the amount of water which will start a
regeneration. Programming of raw water
hardness is therefore unnecessary.
5.2.6 Automatic residual hardness
regulation (i-matic)
Depending on the raw water quality and
desired residual hardness, the internal
blending unit is automatically adjusted by
means of a servo motor.
5.2.7 Overflow valve
If the withdrawal of a very large amount of
water (e. g. flush valve) results in a loss of
pressure in the water softening system in
excess of 0.8 bar (11.6 psi), an overflow
valve integrated in the control head opens
up to permit untreated water to pass by the
water softener, thus limiting the loss of pres-
sure. In this process, residual hardness will
temporarily increase in the downstream
softener line.
Salt filling
The water softener operates automatically.
For each regeneration, approx. 200 g of salt
is used. The regeneration salt has to be
filled up regularly.