Figure 52 Figure 53
6. Fix the cover of the distributor (
See Fig. 44
Figure 42
7. Check the spark timing. Adjust if need as followings
Loosen the nut of the distributor housing
Turn the distributor slowly. Increase the spark timing by counterclockwise turn.
Decrease the spark timing by clockwise turn.
Front Wheel Alignment
Put the vehicle on level ground.
b. The “toe-in” of the front wheels should be 1.18 inches. To check for alignment,
measure distance A and B between the centerline (CL) of the wheels. The proper
toe-in dimension A should be 1.18 inches greater than dimension B.
c. To adjust the alignments, loose the lock nuts on both sides of Front Tie Rods. To
make Dimension B smaller, turn the rod to the left. Turn the rod to the right to
make Dimension B larger. After adjusted to desired length, tighten the lock nut
against the rod end. Recheck the dimensions for proper alignment.