Table 16: Troubleshooting details
Probable causes
The controller provides an
error when trying to back
up settings.
The USB drive is defective. Try a different USB drive.
The USB drive is defective. Try a different USB drive.
The Restore file is corrupt. Try restoring a different backup file.
The controller provides an
error when trying to restore
settings from a backup.
The Restore file is from an
incompatible model TEC.
Ensure that the backup file being
restored was from the same model TEC.
The drive is formatted
as NTFS or another
unsupported format. The
TEC supports FAT (
networked models
FAT16 (
for wireless
), and FAT32 (
all models
) formats only.
Reformat the USB drive, or try a
different USB drive with a supported
The controller is unable to
access a USB drive.
The USB drive is defective. Try a different USB drive.
The I/O board that the
display board is currently
attached to does not
match the one that initially
shipped with the display
Attach the display board to the correct
I/O board.
The controller displays
Board Mismatch
A hardware failure is
causing the two boards
to incorrectly identify
Order replacement units and return the
affected devices to Johnson Controls
under the RMA program.
The controller displays
Controller Fault
An internal fault was
detected and the
controller was unable to
Order replacement units and return the
affected devices to Johnson Controls
under the RMA program.
The Bell icon is displayed on
the TEC home page.
The fault has been
detected on the TEC.
See Table 15 for TEC fault causes and
Partial Restore
is displayed
when trying to restore
settings from a backup file.
Not all of the items in the
backup file have been
restored. This error can
be caused by a value
being out of the minimum
or maximum range in
the backup file. It may
also occur if there are
inconsistencies in the
reliability of a setting in
the backup file and on the
TEC device.
1. Create a Backup file on a USB drive
for the TEC that is showing the
2. Edit the backup file created in the
previous step on a PC to reflect the
desired settings.
3. Verify that the modified values are
within minimum and maximum
range in the backup file.
4. Restore the settings from the newly
edited backup file on the TEC.
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil Thermostats Installation Guide