Dehumidification control - fan coil only
About this task:
The TEC3000 controller support dehumidification control on fan coil devices under three configura-
• Four-pipe fan coil
• Four-pipe fan coil with reheat
• Two-pipe fan coil (with changeover in cooling mode) with reheat
For optimal dehumidification performance, a 4-pipe unit with floating/incremental or 0 to 10 V con-
trol and a multi-speed or variable-speed fan is recommended.
Dehumidification operates when the zone humidity increases above the zone humidity setpoint and
the controller is in the Idle or Cooling state. Dehumidification does not operate during heating and
stops if the zone temperature drops below the heating setpoint. When dehumidification is active,
the cooling device controls to the humidity setpoint, and the heating device reheats the zone in
order to keep the temperature at the cooling setpoint. While in the dehumidification mode, a multi-
speed or variable-speed fan runs at the lowest possible speed to maximize condensation and mois-
ture removal across the cooling coil.
To enable dehumidification control:
1. Press the
2. Press
3. Press
General Control Setup
4. Press
Dehum Enable
and select
5. Press
and the back arrow to return to the previous screen.
This point is also exposed to the BAS through the point DEHUM-EN.
To adjust the dehumidification setpoint:
1. Press the
2. Press
3. Press
and adjust accordingly.
4. Press
and the back arrow to return to the previous screen.
This point is also exposed to the BAS through the point DEHUM-SP.
Temperature setpoints
About this task:
The thermostat controller provides a flexible setpoint configuration to give power to the building
owner while being easy to use by the occupant. In addition to a simple up/down offset adjustment
on the home screen for the occupant, the TEC features six temperature setpoints. The six tempera-
ture setpoints are Cooling and Heating setpoints for Occupied, Unoccupied, and Standby modes. To
set these setpoints, complete the following steps:
1. Press the
2. Press
3. Select the setpoint to adjust and change as desired.
4. Press
and the back arrow to return to the previous screen.
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil Thermostats Installation Guide