Table 12: Point descriptions and suggested write interval ranges
Suggested write interval range
Network Override Outdoor Air Temperature
15 minutes at maximum
Network Override Outdoor Air Humidity
15 minutes at maximum
Network Override Supply Air Temperature
30 seconds to 2 minutes
Network Override Zone Humidity
5 minutes to 15 minutes at
Network Override Zone Temperature
15 seconds to 2 minutes
Network Override Zone Occupancy
15 minutes at maximum
Availability of AIs
For TEC3x1x-1x-xxxx models, only the RSEN and COS inputs are available for connection.
Priority for configurable AIs
You cannot set any two AIs to the same function or sensor type for any of the inputs. If two or more
AIs are configured as the same, the first configured input is used and the others are ignored. For
example, if RSEN and COS are both configured as Relative Humidity, only RSEN is used and COS is
Priority for overall sensors data sources
The TEC3000 supports various sources of sensor data for use in control or display, including internal
sensors, remote sensors (connected using an analog input), or network commanded sensors. The
TEC uses the highest priority connected input (network commands followed by remote sensors and
then internal sensors) for control and display. Not all sources are available for all sensors.
Network commands operate on a timeout basis. When a network point is written to by a supervisor,
the point becomes the highest priority for 15 minutes. If a new update is written within 15 minutes,
the timer is restarted for another 15 minutes.
Available fault diagnostics
• Supply Fan Faults—The TEC3000 supports a configurable Supply Fan Status feedback input that
turns on when the Supply Fan Status does not match the Supply Fan Command, and can be
configured to disable heating, cooling, and fan commands. The alarm delay is adjustable through
the Fan Alarm delay setting. If the delay is set to 0 or the binary input is not defined, this feature
becomes disabled.
• Supply Fan Runtime—The TEC3000 supports setting runtime limits on the supply fan command.
When the limit is exceeded, an alarm turns on. This feature is intended to be used as a
maintenance reminder. Setting the runtime limit to 0 disables this feature.
• Supply Air Temperature Diagnostics—The TEC3000 supports diagnostics when you installed a
Supply Air Temperature. The TEC3000 monitors the supply air. If you call for cooling or heating
and the temperature does not fall or rise by at least the supply air temperature alarm offset
value within the supply air temperature alarm delay, an alarm is generated. If the monitoring
occurs while cooling, a cooling ineffective alarm is generated. If the monitoring occurs while
heating, a heating ineffective alarm is generated. If you set the supply air temperature offset
value set to 0, this alarm is disabled.
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil Thermostats Installation Guide