4 M9200 Series Electric Spring Return Actuator Product/Technical Bulletin
To set the actuator to spring return in a CCW direction,
refer to Figure 3 and proceed as follows:
1. Turn the actuator over, release the locking clip with
a flat-blade screwdriver, and remove it from the
2. Remove the coupler from the front of the actuator,
and the sleeve from the back of the actuator.
3. Insert the sleeve into the front of the actuator with
the smooth half of the sleeve inserted first.
Make sure the widest gap in the sleeve teeth
align with the two guide marks on the front of
the actuator.
4. Repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6 of the previous section.
Make sure the space between the
back of the actuator and mounting
surface is at least 5/32 in. (4 mm).
M9200 actuators can be mounted in any convenient
orientation. They can be installed on a shaft that is
3/8 to 3/4 in. (9.5 to 19 mm) round or a 3/8 to 5/8 in.
(9.5 to 16 mm) square, 3 in. (76 mm) or longer. If the
shaft is less than 3 in. (76 mm) long, install an
extension recommended by the damper or valve
manufacturer. For 1 in. (25.4 mm) outside diameter
shafts, use the M9000-154 1 in. Jackshaft Coupler.
To mount the actuator, proceed as follows:
CAUTION: Equipment Damage Hazard.
The tab on the anti-rotation
bracket must fit midpoint in the
actuator slot to prevent actuator
binding and premature wear.
1. Refer to the “A” Dimensions in Table 1 and
Figure 5 to ensure the anti-rotation bracket tab fits
midway in the actuator slot.
Table 1: Shaft Sizes and Distances from
the Anti-rotation Bracket to Shaft Center
Shaft Diameter
5/8 in.
1/2 in.
3/8 in.
“A” Dimensions
8-1/4 in.
8-5/16 in.
8-3/8 in.
(See Figure 5.)
209 mm
211 mm
213 mm
U -b olt
w ith
C la m p
N u ts (2)
A n ti-rota tion
B ra cke t
N o te: “A ” is the distan ce from the cen ter of
th e ho le s in th e a nti-ro ta tio n bra cke t to
th e ce nter o f the sha ft. (S ee Tab le 1.)
S h aft
C e nte r
M an ua l
C ra nk
In se rte d in
th e O ve rrid e
G ea r
C o up le r
P o sition
In dica to r
Figure 5: Mounting Positions
2. Bend or cut the anti-rotation bracket to fit the
damper frame or duct as shown in Figure 6.
N o . 1 2-2 4 S he et
M etal S crew s (2 )
S lot for B ra cke t
A n ti-rota tion B ra cke t
D a m p er
Fra m e
A n ti-rota tion
B ra cke t Tab
C o ve r S cre w
Figure 6: Anti-rotation Bracket Positions
3. Attach the anti-rotation bracket to the damper or
duct with a 1/4 in. flat-blade screwdriver, using the
two No. 12-24 sheet metal screws provided.
Do not overtighten the sheet metal
screws, or the mounting surface
can be stripped.
4. Slide the actuator onto the damper shaft,
positioning the anti-rotation bracket tab into the slot
at the bottom of the actuator. (See Figure 5.)
5. Insert the manual crank. Push it in firmly, and turn
it CW 4 or 5 turns (position indicator is at the
3 to 5° mark on the actuator scale). Turn the
manual crank 1/4 turn CCW to lock this position.
6. Close the damper tightly.