M9200 Series Electric Spring Return Actuator Product/Technical Bulletin 7
Wiring is made through the conduit openings or
through the conduit adaptor, which converts the
opening for a threaded NPT conduit fitting.
Through the Conduit Openings
Depending on the M9200 model selected, one or both
conduit openings are used. Refer to Figure 10 and
proceed as follows:
1. Loosen the cover screw with a No. 2 Phillips
screwdriver, and remove the actuator cover.
2. Push the plastic plug out of the conduit opening
with fingertip.
P lug s
(C o nd uit O p en in gs)
C o ve r
S cre w
Figure 10: Location of the Conduit Openings
3. Puncture a hole through the center of the plug with
a Phillips screwdriver, and reinsert the plug into the
conduit opening.
4. Insert the cable wires through the hole in the
conduit plug, and connect to the terminal block
using the wiring diagrams in Figure 9.
5. Replace the actuator cover, and retighten the
cover screw.
With the Conduit Adaptor (M9000-100 included)
Refer to Figure 11 and proceed as follows:
1. Push the plastic plug out of the conduit opening
with fingertip.
2. Slide the capture nut into the slot located inside of
the conduit opening. (See Figure 11.)
C a ptu re
N u t
Figure 11: Capture Nut
3. Insert the conduit adaptor into the conduit opening,
and hand tighten by turning in a CW direction as
shown in Figure 12.
C o nd uit
O pe n in g
C o nd uit A d a pto r
C o nd uit F ittin g
(N o t P rovid ed )
Figure 12: Conduit Adaptor Wiring
Use flexible metallic conduit or its
equivalent with the fitting. Do not
overtighten the conduit adaptor into
the actuator to avoid damaging the
actuator housing.
4. Insert the conduit fitting (not provided) into the
adaptor, and hand tighten in a CW direction.
(See Figure 12.)
5. Insert the cable wires through the conduit adaptor
assembly, and connect to the terminal block using
the wiring diagrams in Figure 9.
6. Tighten the clamp on the conduit fitting.