NION-16C48M Device Addressing
NION-16C48M Configuration
NION-16C48M Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53347:Rev: A1 5/5/09
3.5.5 Special Operational Scenarios - Outputs
These are the ways to permanently activate an output point:
Remove all Scheduling and Automatic control for the point and manually activate it (Manual
Output On).
Assign an "Always" or 24/7 time code to the point in the Scheduler and remove all automatic
There is only one way to permanently deactivate an output point; remove all Scheduling and
Automatic control for the point and manually deactivate it (Manual Output Off).
If a point subject to scheduled control needs to be activated prior to the scheduled time, issue a
Manual Output On command, and if a point subject to scheduled control needs to be deactivated
prior to the scheduled time, issue a Manual Output Off command.
3.5.6 Reset Conditions
When a soft node reset (Workstation command) or a hard node reset (power down or reset button)
occurs, all input points are assumed to be in the Armed mode (see exception below). As part of the
boot sequence, the scheduler will immediately modify input modes and output states as needed. An
event will be generated for every point on the node.
For hard reset only, all outputs are deactivated in the hardware. During a node reset, any input
point that was in a Disabled mode at the time of the reset will remain in the Disabled mode.
3.5.7 Memory Loss on the NION-16C48M
Because the NION-16C48M uses battery backed configuration memory, the following rules apply:
Each time the node is reset a memory check is performed to ensure database integrity. If at any
time a discrepancy is found, the memory will be formatted to a default state and a MEMORY
LOSS event will be broadcast on the network.
Default Memory Configuration - all input points are configured to four-state Normally Open
contacts, with 0 second reporting delay. The input points will default to device type Digital
Input with the event code Addressable Input On/Off.
3.6 NION-16C48M Device Addressing
Device addressing at the Workstation uses the following convention:
Inputs - IN1 through IN48
Outputs - OUT1 through OUT16