Functional Properties of the NION-16C48M
NION-16C48M Configuration
NION-16C48M Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53347:Rev: A1 5/5/09
Exceptions To Mode Change Rules
One exception to this rule concerns trouble conditions. When a point enters a trouble state (Open
Circuit or Short Circuit) and the point is not currently in Disabled mode, a trouble condition is
immediately reported. Until the trouble condition clears, the point may only be moved to Disabled
mode. All other mode change commands are ignored. If the point is moved to Disabled mode, a
TROUBLE OFF event is generated prior to the DISABLE event.
When the trouble condition clears and if the point is not Disabled, then control of the point defaults
to the Scheduler which immediately Arms or Disarms the point according to the time code.
ARM - When a point is in Armed mode it monitors the state of the input and reports trouble, input
active and input normal conditions. The following rules apply:
Any time an input point transitions into the Armed mode, an ARMED event will immediately
be reported. If the point is active, an INPUT ACTIVE event will be sent immediately after the
ARM event.
A point in trouble cannot be Armed. When an Arm command is received by a point that is in
trouble the command will be ignored.
Disarm - When a point is in Disarmed mode it does not monitor alarms for the input point. It will
report trouble conditions, but will not report input active or input normal conditions. The following
rules apply:
If a point is in an off-normal condition (input active) and a Disarm command is received the
resulting action is based on the origin of the command.
• If the command originated from a Manual operation the point will be Disarmed. A return to
normal event will be sent before the point is Disarmed.
• If the command is a Scheduled or Automatic function the point will not be Disarmed until it
returns to normal. When the point returns to normal, the schedule will be checked and the
point will immediately be Armed or Disarmed according to the schedule.
A point in trouble cannot be Disarmed. When a Disarm command is received by a point that is
in trouble the command will be ignored.
Manual Override - This mode functions the same as Disarm with one exception: When a point is
placed in Override mode it will ignore the next Arm command sent by the Scheduler.
In addition, when a point is in Override mode it will respond to mode change commands issued
manually (user action) or automatically (NetLogic).
Disable - Is a maintenance feature to remove input points from the system. When a point is
Disabled it is rendered inoperable. A Disabled point does not monitor the state of the input and
thus will not report trouble, input active or input normal conditions. A Point can only be Disabled
and Enabled manually (user action). The following rules apply:
To return a point to the system a user must manually Enable it. When the point is enabled it is
immediately moved to an Armed or Disarmed mode, as directed by the Scheduler. If the point
is in trouble at the time the Enable command is sent, a trouble condition will be reported and
the point will be Disarmed.
When a point is in the Disabled mode it will not respond to commands by the Scheduler or
When a point is in an off-normal condition when it is Disabled a return to normal event will be
sent before the Disable event.