090.510-M (OCT 10) FRICK
The power supply may be identified by the location of
the AC and DC power connections, which are located
on the same end of the supply. These connections
are of a push-on multiple contact connector type.
Additionally, there is the capability of adjusting the +5
Vdc voltage. Refer to the following page for the
location of this potentiometer adjustment. There is no
+12 Vdc adjustment on the Condor. If the +12 Vdc, or
-12 Vdc is out of acceptable range, the power supply
will need to be changed. Extreme care must be used
when adjusting the +5 Vdc potentiometer. Adjustment
should only be performed by qualified personnel,
using an insulated screwdriver.
Condor Power Supply
All circuit boards within the Quantum™ 4 control
panel require accurately adjusted DC voltages in
order to function properly. These voltages consist of
+5 Vdc, -12 Vdc, +12 Vdc and +24 Vdc. Periodic
measurement and adjustment of the DC power
system is highly recommended for optimum system
operation. Over time, it is possible for temperature,
humidity, vibration and component age, to degrade
the accuracy of these voltages. When any of the DC
voltages begin to stray from their optimum range
(espe5 Vdc), problems can begin to arise.
All four DC voltages originate from the power supply.
They are then daisy-chained to the Quantum™
controller, and then on to all connected Digital and
Analog boards. Refer to the Flow Diagrams for the
Even with a perfectly adjusted supply, it is possible for
a potential drop in voltage at each connection point
within the daisy-chain. This drop normally is in the
mill-volt range, but under some conditions, the drop
can be much greater (as high as tenths of a volt). By
the time the voltage reaches the last board in the
daisy-chain, and all of these potential voltages drops
are considered, the combined drop can be such that
serious problems occur. Some examples of serious
problems could be:
Loss of, or intermittent communications
A shutdown message stating
Digital Board x
(where “x” is replaced by the number
of the Digital Board that failed)
An shutdown message stating
Digital Board
x Comm. Fail - Shutdown
(where “x” is
replaced by the number of the Digital Board
that failed)
An shutdown message stating
Analog Board
x Comm. Fail - Shutdown
(where “x” is
replaced by the number of the Analog Board
that failed)
Numerous sensor fault shutdown messages.
Quantum™ LX reboots for no apparent
Improper readings of analog pressures and
It must be pointed out that the +12 Vdc, -
12Vdc, and the +24 Vdc are not adjustable.
In order to properly measure the DC power, it must be
checked at the Quantum™ controller (CPU), and
verified for acceptable total voltage drop at the end of
the daisy-chain (last I/O board). For the +5 Vdc (on
either power supply), if the voltage at the Quantum™
is in the range of +5.15 to +5.20), and the voltage
being read at the last I/O board is greater than +5.0 V,
it can be assumed that the +5 V power is correctly
adjusted. For the +12 Vdc, if the range at the last I/O
board is b11.8 and +12.2 Vdc (+12.00 is
ideal), it can be assumed that the +12 V power is
correct. The range for this voltage is not critical at the
Quantum™, and the reading does not need to be
taken there.
Measuring and adjusting the power supply
voltages require the control power switch to be
energized. Extreme care must be observed when
taking any readings, as 120 or 230 VAC (depending
on incoming system voltage) is present within the
power supply. Adjusting the supply requires the use of
a small screwdriver with an insulated shaft (refer to
NS-10-02) inserted into the supply to access an
adjusting potentiometer. It is possible for the
screwdriver (and the person making the adjustment)
to come into contact with potentially lethal voltages.
To perform measurements and adjustments on the
power supply voltages, use a reliable, calibrated
Digital Volt Meter (DVM). The DVM should be
accurate to 1/100 of a volt DC. Turn the control power
switch to
Ensure that the meter is set to the proper range (DC,
0-50 V or equivalent), as well as observing proper
wire polarity. Measure the +5 Vdc first. Place the
negative lead on the common (return) pin, and the
positive lead on the +5 Vdc pin as shown. Verify that
the DVM is displaying in the range of +5.15 to +5.20.
If the reading is outside of this range, then using a
thin, flat bladed, insulated screwdriver, insert the tip
into the access hole for the appropriate voltage
potentiometer (refer to the Quantum™ Panel D.C.
Power Supply Layout). While watching the DVM,
slowly rotate the screwdriver blade clockwise to
increase the voltage or counter-clockwise to
decrease. Once the voltage has been adjusted,