preset list modules to accomplish this. You will
nd the
list by selecting the button labeled ‘ Modular Presets’ in
the Modular section.
To properly save the modules and preset settings re-
quires a special process:
load the desired modules into the
Modular Windows.
open the (older style) Preset List with the preset
icon on the Modular panel (below the Show button
for Modular 1).
on the old style Preset List, click on the Device icon
oppy disk below the word, “Device”), which
will bring up the message, “Are you sure you want
to save this device? The preset changes you have
made will affect the device in other projects which
include it.”
press Yes, and the Solaris device will be saved with
the desired Modular modules in place (note - you
must do this to save the loaded modules, but this
will also overwrite the Solaris device where you
have it (so, you might want to make a backup of a
‘plain’ Solaris somewhere). The device will grow in
size as you add Modular modules.
Figure 55: Saving a Modular Preset
Likewise, if you load samples in the Wav Oscillator
slots, and then happen to Save the Device for the
Modulars, you will store the Solaris with the samples in
it. To avoid this, clear the Wav Oscs before saving the
Now you can create presets using the older style
Modular preset list. To store a preset with the older
style Preset List, click on the small disk icon below and
to the right of the red X below the word, “Preset”. This
will save all parameters currently in the Solaris, includ-
ing the new style Preset List.
Storing a preset here will also store EVERYTHING in the Solaris,
so you could use this as a master preset list. It’s just much
slower, as it will store every single parameter inside the
Solaris, even unnecessary ones (ones not needed for the par-
ticular sound event). It also has the problem that a new style
preset list will be called when an old style preset is selected,
so if you’ve made any edits to your main preset list, you should
save it before selecting any presets from the old style preset
list. In general, it is easier (and probably better) to use the RD
slots and the Modular Templates, as this allows use of the new
style preset list, without having to deal with the older style
preset list.
Some XTC users report that they cannot use the “show” button
to display the Modular patch window; I have not seen this
problem, but apparently there is something in their set-up
that does not allow Modular 2 patches to be displayed in XTC