Maintenance Procedure:
Shut down the fire and allow the grate to cool.
Turn the gas supply off at the gas cylinder or isolation valve.
Carefully remove all the ceramic coals, one at a time and clean off any soot deposits by
hand, using a soft brush.
Due to the intense operating heat some surface cracks may appear on the ceramic coal
pieces. This is quite normal and will not affect the safe operation of the appliance.
Disconnect the gas pipe from the valve and lift the gas grate out of the firebox.
Remove the injectors, then visually inspect for signs of damage and clean before
Clean the burner tray and flame strip.
Inspect the gas grate for any defects before reinserting it into the firebox.
Reassemble in reverse order, reconnect the gas supply pipe and check for soundness.
Check for any gas leaks by spraying on a soapy solution.
Check the static and dynamic gas pressures and verify that these are within the correct
Replace all the ceramic coal segments as outlined in the paragraph dealing with the
Positioning of the Coals
Check that any purpose provided ventilation is free from obstructions.
Recommission the fireplace as described in “Lighting the Gas G
Service Intervals:
Regular inspection and servicing of the appliance is essential.
It is a recommended that this work be carried out by a qualified gas practitioner, annually.
Ideally, this should take place before the start of the winter season, as the lower temperatures
will likely result in a more frequent use of the gas fire appliance.
It is recommended that the gas fireplace be inspected annually and that the above
itemised work is carried out periodically in order to ensure the satisfactory and safe
functioning of the appliance.