Rigging Manual
Line Array Calculator checks the mechanical safety of suspended arrays and takes into consideration all variables that can affect the
mechanical safety and safety factors. The software validates the mechanical stresses on the enclosures, speaker rigging components,
and all accessories used as part of an array. Parameters like array down angle and curvature are considered and a safety factor is
generated for the given configuration. The generated safety factor value represents the minimum of any components used, and values
are always rounded down.
A red banner appears at the top of the array views when the
software detects a mechanical error. The banner explains the
issue, and some configurations might include more than one
error. In that case, the software will present the additional mes-
sages as the errors are cleared. Configurations generating a
mechanical error should never be used as their safety factor
falls under the minimum of 4:1. The safety factor generated by
the application can be used to design arrays with safety factors
other than 4:1 and based on local regulations.
In addition to mechanical and safety errors, the software notifies
of configurations that cannot be realized in real life. An example
of such a condition is when the center of gravity of an array falls
outside of the footprint of the array frame. In this case, the error
can be cleared by changing the down angle or using a pull-back
at the bottom of the array.
Center of Gravity
Suspension Points