Before starting any welding activity ensure that you have suitable eye protection and
protective clothing. Also take the necessary steps to protect any persons within the welding
MMA welding mode
MMA (Manual Metal Arc), SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc
Welding) or just Stick Welding.
Stick welding is an arc welding process which melts
and joins metals by heating them with an arc
between a covered metal electrode and the work.
Shielding is obtained from the electrode outer
coating, often called flux. Filler metal is primarily
obtained from the electrode core.
The electrodes outer coating called flux assists in
creating the arc and provides a shielding gas and on
cooling forms a slag covering to protect the weld from
When the electrode is moved along the work piece at the correct speed the metal core deposits a
uniformed layer called the weld bead.
After connecting the welding leads as detailed you will need to switch the power switch on the back
panel to
Using the welding mode switch, select MMA by
switching to the MMA position. There is now open
circuit voltage output at both output terminals.
Ensure you check that you have the electrode
polarity correct.
Set the amperage on the machine suitable for the
electrode being used.
Please see a guide to amperages required, although
This MMA welding electrode guide can vary
depending on material, work piece thickness,
welding position and joint form.
Electrode Diameter (mm)
Recommended Welding Current (A)
25 ~ 45
35 ~ 65
50 ~ 90
60 ~ 130
100 ~ 180
150 ~ 250
200 ~ 310