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Section 3.
Using the Main Buttons
Filter Pump Button
The FILTER PUMP button turns the main fil tra tion pump on and off for circulation to the pool. This pump also
activates if the spa is turned on, if the pool cleaner is turned on, if a spa spill-over effect is activated, or if maintain
heat is active.
The main filtration pump circulates the pool or spa water through the filter and heater. It must be on if you want to
display the pool temperature, or if you want to heat the pool.
To use the Filter Pump Button
Press the FILTER PUMP button once to turn on the filter pump. Press it again to turn it off. When the filter pump is
on, the LED next to it will illuminate. If the filter pump is waiting for a delay before it comes on (or after it is turned
off), the LED next to it will flash.
NOTE See Section 6.1 for a glossary of safety delays.
Two Speed Manual Operation (*Not Available for Export Models*)
NOTE This equipment may not be part of your system. Please check with your installer. Optional Two Speed Relay required.
• For Pool and Spa Combination Units
If your control is a POOL and SPA combination with a 2-speed ltration pump, the control will operate as
follows: HIGH SPEED (Filter Pump) must be on before LOW SPEED. Filter Pump button, as well as the Spa
button, turns it to HIGH SPEED. LOW SPEED (AUX 2) button toggles back and forth from low to high.
• For Pool or Spa Only Units
To use HIGH/LOW Speeds, Filter Pump turns on HIGH SPEED, AUX 2 turns on LOW SPEED. Whatever mode
last used is the OFF button. To toggle, press whichever speed is not on.
• For Dual Equipment Units
RS 2/6 operates the same as the POOL/SPA Only units; i.e., Filter Pump turns on HIGH SPEED and
AUX 2 turns on LOW SPEED. The mode last used is the OFF button. To toggle, press whichever speed is not on.
2-speed works only on spa lter pump.
• Two Speed Pr ogr amming for All Units
When programming HIGH and LOW Speeds to operate together, think of HIGH SPEED (Filter Pump) as total
duration of ltration time. Then set LOW SPEED (AUX 2) to operate within that duration. For example, if you
want HIGH SPEED on for 2 hours and LOW SPEED for 10 hours, program the Filter Pump (HIGH SPEED)
from 8 AM to 8 PM and LOW SPEED from 10 AM to 8 PM.
NOTE It is not necessary to program both High and LOW Speeds, even with a Combo Control System. If only LOW SPEED is
programmed, HIGH SPEED will turn on at the LOW SPEED on time to prime the pump. After three (3) minutes the system
will switch to LOW SPEED for the remainder of its programmed time.