Installing the Aileron Servos
Stellen Sie die Querruderservos mit der RC-Anlage in Mittelstellung,
montieren einen langen Servohebelarm, sowie die Gummitüllen und
zugehörigen Messingbuchsen.
Install the rubber grommets and brass collets onto one aileron servo,
making sure to install the collets with the flanges
toward the bottom of
the servo.
Connect your radio system and plug the aileron servo into the receiver.
Center the servo by double-checking that the
aileron trim lever on your
transmitter is centered.
Using a modeling knife, cut away all but one arm from a large "4-point"
servo horn.
Install the servo horn to the servo, making sure that it's centered, as
Install the servo horn retaining screw to secure the servo horn to the
Remove the servo hatch cover from the bottom of one wing panel and
use a modeling knife to cut away and remove the covering material from
over the precut slot in the hatch cover.
Legen Sie das Querruderservo auf die Innenseite der
Servoschachtdeckel. Passen Sie Sperrholzklötze (nicht im Bausatz
enthalten) zur Befestigung, der von Ihnen verwendeten
Querruderservos, an. Achten Sie auf das Servokabel. Kleben Sie
die Sperrholzbefestigungsklötze mit 5-Minuten-Epoxi fest
Temporarily place the aileron servo, along with two
plywood servo
mounting blocks, onto the bottom of the servo hatch cover. The servo
arm should be inserted through, and centered within, the precut slot, as
You will need to cut a notch in one of the blocks so that
the block doesn't interfere with the servo wire.
When satisfied with the alignment, mark the locations of the servo
mounting blocks onto the servo hatch cover.
Remove the servo and glue the two hardwood blocks into place using a
generous amount of 5 minute epoxy. Remove any excess epoxy using a
paper towel and rubbing alcohol, and allow the epoxy to completely set
up before proceeding.
Nach dem Aushärten der Verklebung schrauben Sie das Servo fest.
Bohren Sie die Löcher entsprechend vor.
After the epoxy has completely set up, mount the servo
securely into
To prevent the mounting blocks from splitting,
drill 1/16"
diameter pilot holes for the mounting screws.
Repeat the previous procedures to install your second
aileron servo
onto the other servo hatch cover.
Einbau der Querruderservos mit Schachtabdeckung
Installing the Servo Hatch Cover Assemblies
Ziehen Sie ein Servoverlängerungskabel ein.
Eine Öffnung ist in jeder Tragfläche, ca. 20mm von der Wurzelrippe und ca. 180mm von der Endleiste entfernt, vorhanden.
Sichern Sie die Steckverbindung Verlängerungskabel und Servokabel mit Klebeband.
Using a modeling knife, cut away and remove the covering material from over the precut servo extension exit hole in
the bottom of each wing panel.
Each hole is located 3/4" out from the root rib and 7” in front of the trailing edge.
Install one 12" servo extension lead onto each of the two aileron servo leads.
To prevent the servo leads from pulling apart during assembly, or worse, during flight, wrap the joint
where the two connectors are plugged
together using a strip of masking tape.
Working with one servo assembly and wing panel for now, run the servo extension lead through the wing using the
factory-installed length of string; run it
through the wing from the servo hatch to the servo extension exit hole.
Set the servo hatch cover assembly into place, making sure that the servo arm is positioned toward the root edge
and leading edge of the wing panel.