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Pitch angle progressively regulate for all arms so that they do not lead to significant
differences in the settings.
Work will be performed on each arm. This work must be carried out by two people.
Unroll Awning to the end to get the awning
fabric taut.
Screw "B" loosen until he comes back inside
the cylinder A (loosen screw "B " not more than
illustrated in pictures).
Person "1" - hang arm so the mounting
bracket do not presses screw. Hold in this position.
Person "2" ‒ screw on „C” for the new position
of the screw to set (unscrew the screws of more than
3,7 cm).
Person "1" ‒ the arm bring down, holding on,
slowly put the arm on the screw "C”.
Person "1" ‒ if awning arms are adjusted with
a level, check the horizontal position of the front
profile. If it's necessary adjust it again.