SP-20000M-PMCL / SP-20000C-PMCL
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8. Other functions
8.1 Black level control
This function adjusts the setup level.
Variable range: -64 to 63 LSB (at 10-bit output)
8.1.1 Black Level Selector
The following items can be adjusted.
Black Level All
Black Level All/ Black Level Red/ Black Level Blue
8.1.2 Black Level
The black level can be adjusted in the following range.
Black Level All: -256
Black Level All: -256
Black Level Red: -512
Black Level Red: -512
8.1.3 Auto black control
The auto black control function is used to automatically adjust the black level of the sensor,
which may vary due to temperature changes and/or the exposure time.
It can adjust up to 30% of the video output level.
It has three modes which have different compensation values and the user can choose an
appropriate mode depending on the application.
As the dynamic range of the sensor depends on the compensation value of the black level, for
best results it is recommended that the camera be used under low temperature conditions, i.e.,
less than 30°C and with exposure times of less 1 frame, in order to maintain an appropriate
dynamic range.
The compensation value can be automatically varied up to 30%. In this mode, the
dynamic range is the smallest.
In this mode, the limit of the black level compensation value can be set in the
range of 0% to 30% by 1% steps. If the camera is used in an environment with little
temperature change or short exposure time, this mode can automatically provide an
appropriate balance between black level compensation and dynamic range by setting
the upper limit of the black level compensation.
In this mode, the camera automatically saves the temperature
and the status of the exposure time just before this mode is set. Then, it sets
the appropriate black level compensation value and the maximum
dynamic range in accordance with the saved conditions. After this automatic
adjustment, the compensation value, which is indicated by percentage, can be read
In this mode, the black level compensation value is fixed. It is recommended to use
this mode if the temperature and exposure time are stable. If the black level
varies due to temperature change and/or exposure time variation, it is necessary
to set this mode again in order to learn the new environmental conditions. If the
environmental conditions are expected to be varied, it is recommended to use Auto
Limit mode.