2.5 Home arming
The installer can program particular detectors so that they will be automatically
bypassed in the so called “Home” partial arming. This allows for people to stay in
the particular part of the house after arming. To arm partially:
On the keypad
press home arming button. On the JA-60D
keypad enter F2.
Home arming is not possible via the remote control (RC-11).
will indicate the Home partial arming on the keypad.
To disarm a partially armed system
enter your user code or press the B button
on the remote control.
2.6 Door opening
An electrical door lock (if installed) can be controlled via the alarm system.
Press the
door opening button
on the keypad to release the
lock. On the JA-60D keypad enter F3.
2.7 Alarm memory reading
All events (arming, disarming, alarms, failures…) are recorded into the control
panel’s memory along with the time and date. The complete system history can be
viewed using a PC with Comlink software. Alarms and failures can also be viewed
on the keypad by entering:
F 4
- will show the last recorded alarm or failure
. Press key 4 multiple
times to go deeper in to the memory.
2.8 Voice messages listening
If the installer programmed voice message sending, you can check the recorded
message(s). The control panel’s built in speaker will play them after entering:
F 9
- all recorded voice messages will play back one by one
2.9 Split system arming
The system can be split by the installer into two independent sections (A,B) and
a shared section (corridors, stairs, a main door…). This allows for a particular user
to arm and disarm only a particular section of the house with his/her code or
remote control (exactly as in a non split system). Arming of sections A and B is
indicated by
symbols on the keypad. The shared section will be armed
automatically when A and B sections are both armed.
Installer can program that this feature will work only when the entry is followed by a user code.
Alarm system JA-63 „PROFI“
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