Engine Overhaul Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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6 7
Dated : 28/10/2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 15 of 201
2.10 Mandatory updates
Jabiru has been producing engines for many years, and over that time we have made some
improvements to our engine designs in light of operating experience. As a result we have compiled a list
of mandatory updates that must be made to older engines during overhaul.
During the Inspection and assessment stage these modifications will be addressed for each
The requirements of these modifications must be taken into account when ordering parts.
Section 10 refers.
2.11 Mandatory replacement of parts
During overhaul (either complete or top end) some parts must be replaced regardless of condition: for
example all bolts, all seals, O-rings, etc. Detailed listings will be found in the Inspection and assessment
2.12 Recording
Careful records of all overhauling work must be completed. It is strongly recommended that the
overhauler print out the build sheets given as a part of this manual and use them to record all the details
of the job.
The overhaul booklets included in Section 9 are to be used for a top end overhaul
– using only those
pages relevant to the parts of the engine being renewed.